Mulching & Edging

Aside from the beauty mulching adds to your landscape beds, it is a very important component in the health of your plants. The importance of mulching is to make sure your plants retain the proper moisture in their roots. Often times we will notice that there is too little or especially too much mulch applied. Too much mulch can kill your plants and shrubs. It can prevent the proper amount of oxygen to get to roots and basically suffocate your plants. It can also cause mold to form due to excessive moisture which damages the root system of your plants. The importance of edging is not only to make your beds look aesthetically pleasing, but also to retain water for your trees and plants and to prevent the run off of mulch into your lawn. All of our edges are distinctively laid out and created by hand with a spade shovel. Prestige Lawn Care will evaluate your beds and make appropriate recommendations.